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Nightmare Relief for Everyone

Do you or someone you love suffer from nightmares? Are you a parent concerned about the frequency and intensity of your child’s bad dreams? Should you be concerned? And is there something you can do to take away the bad dreams?

We all have nightmares from time to time – women more so than men, and children more so than adults. Do you know what to say to your child when they wake from a nightmare? And should you wake them up in the middle of one? When should you be concerned enough to seek professional help?

This little course is designed to help! It has answers to all of these questions and more.

Designed by nightmare expert Dr. Leslie Ellis, this self-paced user-friendly and accessible online course covers the very latest in science and research about what nightmares are, and what they’re not. Leslie offers some simple steps you can take to get some relief from nightmares and other nocturnal disturbances – both for yourself and for others, including your children.

Course Contents

  • What are nightmares and who has them?

  • What can you do about your nightmares?

  • Children’s nightmares

  •  What nightmares are not: the parasomnias:

     The Parasomnias: Sleep paralysis demystified

    The Parasomnias: Night terrors and what you can do about them

  • There are no bad dreams