Who should attend?

Who should attend?


Online Instruction includes the following courses:
Interactive instruction and practice


Dr. Leslie Ellis

Robbyn Peters Bennett, LPC, CMHS

Robbyn is an early childhood trauma specialist and psychotherapist, a leading activist in ending corporal punishment in the United States, a positive parenting educator, a published researcher, and a certified trainer in the neurosequential model of therapeutics. Robbyn has studied Jungian psychology with the North Pacific Institute of Analytical Psychology and is currently studying Dr. Stephen Aizenstat’s method of dreamtending at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Robbyn is a blessed mother and grandmother. She is an eclectic artist who is madly love with the beauty of life, enjoying stained glass, knitting, piano, jazz singing, gardening, cooking, bread making, sketching, sewing, home renovation, furniture painting, charcoal sketching and felt pin marker doodling! She is currently studying fashion design with the Portland Fashion Institute.

Robbyn appreciates the sentiment of James Hillman, that “Once we reawaken our aesthetic sense and are not anesthetized by all the distractions, we can appreciate the beauty in the world… and realize that our job on the Earth is to fall in love with it. Not just to love it, but to fall in love with it. And you only fall in love with it, if you’re aesthetically alive to it.”
For more on her work: https://robbynpetersbennett.org/about



Dr. Leslie Ellis

Dr. Leslie Ellis

Robbyn Peters Bennett, LPC, CMHS

Robbyn is an early childhood trauma specialist and psychotherapist, a leading activist in ending corporal punishment in the United States, a positive parenting educator, a published researcher, and a certified trainer in the neurosequential model of therapeutics. Robbyn has studied Jungian psychology with the North Pacific Institute of Analytical Psychology and is currently studying Dr. Stephen Aizenstat’s method of dreamtending at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Robbyn is a blessed mother and grandmother. She is an eclectic artist who is madly love with the beauty of life, enjoying stained glass, knitting, piano, jazz singing, gardening, cooking, bread making, sketching, sewing, home renovation, furniture painting, charcoal sketching and felt pin marker doodling! She is currently studying fashion design with the Portland Fashion Institute.

Robbyn appreciates the sentiment of James Hillman, that “Once we reawaken our aesthetic sense and are not anesthetized by all the distractions, we can appreciate the beauty in the world… and realize that our job on the Earth is to fall in love with it. Not just to love it, but to fall in love with it. And you only fall in love with it, if you’re aesthetically alive to it.”
For more on her work: https://robbynpetersbennett.org/about

Robbyn Peters Bennett, LPC, CMHS

Robbyn is an early childhood trauma specialist and psychotherapist, a leading activist in ending corporal punishment in the United States, a positive parenting educator, a published researcher, and a certified trainer in the neurosequential model of therapeutics. Robbyn has studied Jungian psychology with the North Pacific Institute of Analytical Psychology and is currently studying Dr. Stephen Aizenstat’s method of dreamtending at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Robbyn is a blessed mother and grandmother. She is an eclectic artist who is madly love with the beauty of life, enjoying stained glass, knitting, piano, jazz singing, gardening, cooking, bread making, sketching, sewing, home renovation, furniture painting, charcoal sketching and felt pin marker doodling! She is currently studying fashion design with the Portland Fashion Institute.

Robbyn appreciates the sentiment of James Hillman, that “Once we reawaken our aesthetic sense and are not anesthetized by all the distractions, we can appreciate the beauty in the world… and realize that our job on the Earth is to fall in love with it. Not just to love it, but to fall in love with it. And you only fall in love with it, if you’re aesthetically alive to it.”
For more on her work: https://robbynpetersbennett.org/about



I am always trying to improve my programs, so I asked my most recent cohort how their comfort level and ways of working with dreams have changed over the past year as a result of participating in my Embodied Experiential Dreamwork program. It is so gratifying to hear how many deepened and freed up their relationship to dreams.

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