for Clinicians
In your work as a therapist, do you sometimes feel stymied and wish for creative inspiration to deepen the therapy process and help clients move forward? Dreams are like a wise and trusted supervisor who reliably points toward what matters most to your clients. Most therapists say they don’t work with dreams because they lack training and know-how. Our courses, based on my book, A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy, are intended to demystify dreamwork, provide up-to-date theory and simple techniques to help you explore your client’s dream life with confidence. You will see for yourself how dreamwork accelerates and deepens the process of therapy, engaging your client more deeply and ultimately improving outcomes.
Working with Dreams
This program is a deep dive into the world of dreams, and a clear path to learning how to engage yourself and guide others in embodied experiential dreamwork practices. Upon completion of this program, you will be able to confidently engage with your own dreams and the dreams of others, both one-on-one and in groups. And you will be able to help those who suffer from trauma-related nightmares to not only reduce nightmare frequency and distress, but also PTSD symptoms.
This course is a companion to Dr. Leslie Ellis’ recent book, A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy but goes beyond the material in the book to include personal and group dreamwork, and co-creative dreamwork.
Applications are open for the September 2025 cohort. Space is limited so book early, as these cohorts do fill up.
1 Year Course
Engage with your client's dreams
10 half-day classes and more
Are you intrigued about the dreams that stay with you… the ones that linger in your mind and body for hours, week, even years after you have dreamt them?
I believe such dreams hold a special power for insight and transformation, and in a recent talk I discuss why this is and offer a profound example of how I worked with such a dream.
My recent 3-hour live experiential dream workshop was so well-received, I have decided to make it available for those who wanted to attend but were not able to make it.
When a client brings you a dream, how do you help them to understand it? Dreams have exceptional healing and diagnostic potential.
They point to what matters most to our clients, and when we attend to them in sessions, it deepens and accelerates the process of psychotherapy.
In this course you will learn an engaging, experiential way to talk about dreams with your clients. We will also look at the clinical benefits to dreamwork, and how the current science of dreaming supports its use.
Dream work with your clients
A quarterly dream group for our Dreamwork and Focusing graduates -- a way to stay connected to our collective dreaming.
For graduates of our embodied experiential dreamwork and focusing programs, this Dream Circle offers a meeting every season to share the appreciation of dreams with like-minded clinicians and dreamers. A focus of this group is on experimenting with collective ways of engaging in group dreamwork, and deepening our shared experiencing of dream phenomena.

Treating Nightmares
NEW! 30% Discount!
$67 $47
Nightmares and disturbed dreaming are more common in these turbulent times. They are also highly prevalent for those suffering from all forms of anxiety, depression, early adversity and/or trauma. Mental health professionals rarely ask about nightmares, and most do not understand that there are simple, evidence-based ways to treat nightmares that can make a real and immediate difference to our clients’ mood and sleep quality.
There are many reasons to talk about your nightmares, to rescript them, and to seek treatment if they cause you significant distress. These intense dreams can be seen as your own body’s attempt to integrate the trauma you have suffered, but to realize this helpful effect, you must work with the dreams rather than avoiding them.
Get the Nightmare Relief complete course plus the workshop recording bundle for only $267 and SAVE $193.

This self-paced course covers the basics of focusing founder Eugene Gendlin’s own steps for those new to focusing. It is taught by a veteran of focusing training, Dr. Leslie Ellis. I am am Coordinator and Past President of The International Focusing Institute, and a world expert on focusing for treating complex trauma, and for engaging with dreams.
This self-paced course covers the basics of focusing founder Eugene Gendlin’s own steps for those new to focusing. It is taught by a veteran of focusing training, Dr. Leslie Ellis. I am am Coordinator and Past President of The International Focusing Institute, and a world expert on focusing for treating complex trauma, and for engaging with dreams.
See also Focusing and Dreamwork, a course by Dr. Ellis hosted on the Jung Platform.
The curriculum of our 2-year training program is made up of 4 separate and complementary courses. If you take all 4, you are eligible for professional certification.
You commit to only one course at a time. In fact, we welcome people who just want to take specific courses as well as people who take the full training for FOT certification.
Treating nightmares is imperative
As expected, the pandemic has brought with it heightened anxiety levels. This has resulted in a sharp increase in nightmares and anxiety dreams. Left unattended these dreams can leave the dreamer feeling uneasy and fearful. Yet, equipped with the right skills and insights, these dreams can serve a positive purpose, guiding the dreamer towards healing and wholeness.
This course has been created with a view to helping people grapple with nightmares and anxiety dreams. It is intended for anyone who has a nightmare or anxiety dream and wants to deal with that. It will also be beneficial for therapists who work with their patients’ nightmares.

Get the map to unlocking the healing power inherent in dreams.