Dr. Leslie Ellis

Transformation Through Dreams: Inside the Embodied Experiential Dreamwork Certification Program

The experiential embodied dreamwork process is such a respectful, deeply meaningful, and soul feeding way of working with dreams. – Sylvia Barnowski, artist, registered social worker For those drawn to working with dreams, finding an approach that honors their depth while providing practical skills can be challenging. The Embodied Experiential (EE) Dreamwork Certification Program offers

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Dr. Leslie Ellis

Dreams as Healing: The Remarkable Resilience Afforded by the Dreams of Ukrainian Refugee Women

Polish researcher finds that our dreams can provide psychological support when we need it most. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, it triggered one of Europe’s largest refugee movements in recent history. Among the millions who fled, countless women carried not just hastily packed belongings, but profound psychological wounds from witnessing war’s devastation. Yet

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Dr. Leslie Ellis

Experts Reach Consensus on CBT for Nightmares

Tackle the most intense, vivid and distressing nightmare first. Pick up helpful themes in the dreams. Pay attention to sleep hygiene and learn to relax before falling asleep. Consider cultural beliefs. And treat both trauma-related nightmares and those with no known origin the same way. These are a few of the main recommendations from an

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Dr. Leslie Ellis

Anxiety Dominated our Dreams in 2024 with a Spike During US Election

Were anxiety and fear predominant dream emotions for you in 2024? If so, you’re not alone. More than 70% of the 13,000 dreams collected in 2024 by the Dream Decoder app featured fearful or anxious emotions, revealing how deeply modern life’s stressors may be resonating within us. On the brighter side, as the year unfolded,

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Dr. Leslie Ellis

Living in the Mind’s Darkness: Understanding Aphantasia

In my work is an experiential and dream therapist, I often invite my clients to enter their dreams, allowing their nocturnal imagery to re-form in their mind’s eye. Most people I ask can do this quite easily, and some produce a virtual torrent of imagery. But not everyone can, and I used to think of

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Dr. Leslie Ellis

Peering Into the ‘Black Box’ of Dreaming

How Technology is Making Our Dream Worlds More Accessible and Malleable One aspect of dreams that makes them so mysterious is that they are notoriously difficult to study. While those who dream vividly or lucidly can accurately report their detailed dream content, most of us imperfectly capture fragments of our dreams and are left with

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Dr. Leslie Ellis

Why We Forget Our Dreams: A New Perspective

One of the most enduring paradoxes in the field of dream research is the mystery of dream amnesia. Why do we forget most of our dreams, even though they’re often vivid, emotionally charged, and potentially important for our survival? A recent paper by Zhao and colleagues offers an elegant solution to this puzzle. Here’s the

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