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How Does My Dream Mean?

Feel into the dream images to arrive at your own answers

Yes, you read that correctly. So many people come to me with a dream image or story and want an immediate answer to the question: what does it mean? It’s natural to want to know this because dream images are often so strange and powerfully evocative that we sense there is meaning in them.

But I want to impress on you that meaning in dreaming is not the same as an intellectual understanding or a goal-oriented response to the image. Dreams almost never present a life situation and spell out what you should do. They are asking you to do something quite different – to feel into the image and arrive at your own answers.

When friends ask me what their dream means, I think they are often looking for a particular solution, a quick explanation that will make the dream make sense. But this isn’t how dreams convey meaning. When we’re dreaming, our prefrontal cortex, the part of our brain that thinks logically and makes plans for the future, is mostly asleep. That’s why we can’t seem to find our gate at the airport, act in a decisive fashion, or even notice that we are in the strange world of dreaming. Dreams don’t come from a place of logic but instead are mediated by a different set of neural correlates, the same as those active in daydreaming. It is an imaginative and creative state that moves forward in non-logical steps.

Dreams are the same – they are a world apart from logic, characterized by images and infused with emotion. So to really understand a dream, you need to feel your way into the image. The meaning will come through your body and not necessarily in words, but rather in a felt sense of meaning and of depth. Dream meaning takes you deeper than words, so to really grasp it I suggest you first revisit it experientially, immerse in the felt meaning and then you can try to express this in words, images, music, movement, or whatever medium seems best.

This creative expression will point to the meaning of your dream, though may never quite capture it all. This is because we never have perfect recall of our dream-state experience. There is always a sense of having left far more insight and experience in the dream realm than we can recall. We are left with snippets and fragments and can piece a sense of the whole together from there. It will be imperfect, much like a piece of writing or drawing will never be exactly like what you are trying to express. But the attempt to express is what will bring you closer to how your dream expresses the felt meaning it carries.


Meaning and memory sources are not the same

Sometimes dreamers think they understand the meaning of their dream because they can identify the memory sources of their dream. If they saw a scary movie the night before dreaming about a ghost, they’ll say the movie is why they dreamt about a ghost.

This is only partly true. Dreams do pick up ‘day residue’ and also older memories as source material. I see these as a palette for our dream-maker to draw from and recombine so that the dream weaves images that are uniquely meaningful to us. I believe particular images are presented in a way that evokes a nuanced kind of felt sense that we will recognize. Dreams draw from images from our past and yet mostly create new images that are hybrids of things we know and things that are new. Just because you can recognize the memory source doesn’t mean that you already know what the dream means. You’ll still have to feel your way into the image, to understand it at an embodied level.

Dreams express themselves through an embodied emotional experience and can only truly be understood if you re-enter that experience and allow it to speak to you. If you’re looking for a tidy, simple explanation of your dream, you are not going to find it. Or if you do come up with an explanation like that, it may satisfy your intellect, but it won’t be complete. Instead, it will be a delimiting version of what your dream might mean. Like a felt sense, the dream always means more and can open us up to much more than we can immediately say about it. This is part of what makes them so deeply evocative.

Dream Program Doubles Confidence in Working with Dreams

The reviews are in! Those who just completed the year-long Embodied Experiential Dreamwork program last year said their confidence in tending dreams is now at 8 out of 10 – up from a class average of 3.7 at the start of the program.

If you are considering taking this program, you may be interested in what our recent grads had to say about it. Here are some of the comments from our exit survey:

“Since taking this program, personally, I now pay more attention to my dreams because I am more fully at ease with them and  have various ways of being with them – many ways of opening the doors that can lead to possible meanings.

Professionally, I can offer clients these ways of helping them be with their dreams, particularly bad dreams and nightmares. For those considering taking this program: it is well worth the time, energy and effort. There is so much specifically and practically to learn about dreams and how to work with them.”

– Tom Larkin, Focusing Oriented Therapist and Certifying Coordinator


“I really liked both theoretical and experiential learning. I was needing a more structured and systematic knowledge about dreamwork, and this course really provided me with that. It’s a beautiful foundation. I also liked our group very much, so many beautiful people with different backgrounds and sensitivities, and I think that all of us being honest and engaged together really contributed to the richness of experience.”

– Ivana Kolakovic, Registered Psychotherapist


“My most loved aspects were witnessing Leslie working with dreams in a group setting, and the intimacy of the group itself. I also loved the spaciousness in the container and the levity Leslie brought to the group. Clinically, I loved the experiential aspects of focusing and dreamwork combined.  As a result of taking this program, I now move slower with my dreams and I feel more connected to figures and aspects that show up. I also feel more resourced in my work with dreams.

Something else I loved about this program is that it wasn’t formulaic, but process oriented, which really supported the individual finding their own way. It was a nice blend of clinical and personal exploration.

I would also say another benefit is the small group size, because you really get to be in a safe and intimate space. It also provides an opportunity to try on others’ dream images and expand figures within your own dreamscape.”

– Jaclyn Woods, LMFT


“If you’re interested in working with dreams this is a solid, inspiring, practical, evidence-based method that has empowered me to connect more deeply with my own dream life and work with my clients and their dreams with confidence.”

– Kate Tenni, Sensorimotor Art Therapist and Grief Counsellor


About the Instructor(s) – Here are a few comments, thank you so much

Leslie has so so much knowledge but also this beautiful talent for attunement and sensitivity to track the dreamer’s internal life

10+! Leslie was brilliant! She was clear, flexible, so empathic. She created a lovely virtual space in which to be and work, and held each of us preciously when we shared.

Leslie is thoroughly knowledgeable, extremely skilled and competent, open and welcoming, responsive, flexible, clear, articulate, tech savvy, approachable.

Robbyn is also incredibly gifted.  The sessions with her were such a helpful supplement and practice time. (Robbyn assists with the class and offers a bonus dream session between class meetings.)

For more information about the ‘EE’ program, here is the link.



Sleep Paralysis… curse or blessing?

A first encounter with sleep paralysis (SP) is usually terrifying. But for those who experience it often and learn to stay calm, it can be entryway to lucid dreaming and extraordinary states.

Ryan Hurd, a sleep paralysis expert, has experienced hundreds of episodes himself and offers a road map for those who experience it. The following is a summary of his book, Sleep Paralysis, A Guide to Hynagogic Visions & Visitors of the Night.

In Hurd’s initial encounter with SP at age 14, all he wanted to do was wake up from the nightmare: first a ring, then a menacing voice that said, ‘Darkness rules!’ A pervasive felt sense of evil. The strong feeling of being pushed down forcibly into sleep. He was left feeling crazy, haunted and reticent to talk about his experience. It was classic a SP episode, and it deeply influenced the course of his life. He later became both a dream researcher, lecturer and lifelong lucid dreamer.


Symptoms of Sleep Paralysis

Hurd said the symptoms of SP are “near universal” and “noted throughout history and across cultures.” An episode might include one or more of the following:

Inability to move;
a feeling of great weight on your chest, abdomen and/or throat;
hearing buzzing or crackling sounds, or voices;
difficulty breathing;
heart racing;
extreme fear;
out-of-body experience;
electrical current or shock;
seeing lots of spiders or insects;
sensing, seeing and/or bring touched by an apparition or presence;
full awareness and a sense that what is happening is very real.

Isolated SP is common – about 40% of people experience it at least once in their lifetime (and a full 75% of post-secondary students). Alarming as it is, SP is a normal part of sleep, not pathological or a sign of psychosis.* It happens most often from sleep deprivation or disrupted sleep cycles (ie shift work, jet lag, late-night partying). It is an intrusion of REM/dreaming during the transition from wake-to-sleep or sleep-to-wake. In essence, your dreams are being superimposed onto the waking state. This is why the visions that arise can feel so real.


Ways to Manage Sleep Paralysis

Most people who experience SP occasionally simply want the hellish experience to stop. Hurd has found the following series of responses to be the most helpful:

  • Identify to yourself that you are having an eposide of SP
  • Surrender, don’t fight it (or it intensifies)
  • Wiggle your toes or clench a fist to break the paralysis
  • Focus on calm, steady breathing
  • Wait patiently for the episode to end, usually after a minute or two

Some people experience multiple episodes of sleep paralysis, or have a series of false awakenings. If you are worried about falling asleep and back into another episode, Hurd suggests you wake up more fully before going back to sleep:

  • Expose your eyes to bright light for a least a minute
  • Get up and do 10 minute of exercise
  • Write about the encouter in your journal

Then go back to sleep! Do not make things worse with even more sleep deprivation. To prevent SP, good sleep hygiene is essential… things like sleeping and waking at the same time every day, sleeping in a cool, dark, quiet place that you feel safe in, avoiding caffeine, alcohol and strenuous exercise too close to bedtime.


Get to Know the ‘Stranger’

For those who have learned to relax and go with the SP experience, and are brave and curious about the presence that appears to them, Hurd suggests turning toward the apparition with openness and trust (with the caveat that not all of the figures that appear are benign). However, if it feels available to you and safe enough, he suggests you relax, trust, be curious, ask what the stranger wants. These actions can transform the presence into something helpful and healing.

He notes that many tales of hauntings and magical creatures may in fact stem from sleep paralysis. A major clue is the timing of the visitation – if the presence appears at the edges of sleep, it is likely a hypnagogic hallucination. Vampires, the legend of the Sea Hag, ghosts, out-of-body experiences and even alien abductions may be attributed to sleep paralysis. It can also be a doorway to lucid dreaming and deeply spiritual encounters.


Sleep Paralysis as a Doorway to Extraordinary States

Despite his initially terrifying experiences with SP, Hurd now sees these as a “blessing in disguise.” If you recognize the state you are in as SP, you are already dreaming while awake, and can use this to co-create the kinds of dreams you would like to have. He suggest that once you have come to terms with your personal beliefs and have learned to relax into an SP state, you can “focus on the kinds of dreams you want to have and watch them materialize around you.”

He describes how you can use SP as an entrée into out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, creativity and spiritual growth.

Hurd even suggests ways to encourage SP (and of course do the opposite if you want to prevent it): Sleep on your back; take a nap when you are sleep-deprived or have jet-lag; or wake up 2 hours before your usual time, and nap later. When you nap while sleep-deprived, there is pressure to make up for a lack of REM sleep, and this intrusion of REM can induce the mixed state of SP.

The key message in all of this is that the valence of the visions which appear to us in a hynagogic state are dependent on the degree of safety we feel. The more frightened we are, the more terrifying the images that visit. It is an example of how we co-create dreams. If we stay calm, we can engage with the dream state while maintaining lucid awareness. Hurd notes that those new to lucid dreaming often treat it as a “virtual playground’ and invite fantasy experiences like flying or sex. But deepening into the experience can lead to truly extraordinary visions and “even a taste of enlightenment.”


Don’t miss our 1-hour seminar on critical information for therapists about nightmares and suicide, including current research and how to help. We are currently offering a 30% discount! Click here to avail the promo!



Hurd, Ryan (2011). Sleep Paralysis, A Guide to Hynagogic Visions & Visitors of the Night. Los Altos, CA: Hyena Press.

*Symptoms of typical isolated sleep paralysis are not considered harmful – unless they include sleep apnea, narcolepsy or other parasomnias. If you have any concerns, consult a sleep medicine professional for diagnosis and treatment.

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Creating Safety in Dream Groups: Ideas from Ullman

What’s the single most important factor in a successful dream group?


This may be why the method of Dream Appreciation by Montague Ullman is the most popular dream group method. Every step of the way, the dreamer’s safety is considered.

What maintains the dreamer’s sense of trust in the process? Confidentiality of course, and the ability of the dreamer to stop the process at any time. Beyond the obvious, the main consideration is the deepest respect for the dreamer and their dream.

This means no leading questions or imposition of ideas from the group, however brilliant they may seem. Ullman said, “The goal is to lead the dreamer into a dialogue with their own dream.” Anything else “shifts the dreamer’s attention from the dream to the motives of the questioner.”

He uses the analogy of curling to help us understand this concept. In curling, the skip (aka dreamer) sends the rock towards its target. The sweepers clear the path for the rock, help it on its intended journey, but do not change its course. “We respect the importance of the dreamer, staying with the path of the dream rather than deflecting them into a path of our own making.”

Ullman advises against offering interpretations, ideas about symbolic meaning, or anything from outside what the dream itself contains. “I don’t think it is ever truly therapeutic to approach a dreamer with an a priori conviction about what a dream means based on a particular theory or preconceived ideas about what certain images mean.”

What kinds of inquiries should dream group members offer then? Ideally open-ended questions with no agenda other than helping the dreamer to further open the dream itself. Our questions “should always lead back to the dream.”

Questions with an agenda promote defensiveness. But if there is trust and safety, “the clarity of one’s emotional vision becomes sharper and deeper. Trust opens the dreamer up to the possiblity of discovery.”


From: Ullman, M. (1996). Appreciating Dreams, a group approach. Sage Publications.

Jungian Dreamwork and Focusing: Delving Deeper in the Experience of Dreaming

This article brings together my two favorite approaches in psychotherapy and personal growth: that of dreamwork and focusing. In my work, they are intertwined in ways that make it difficult to tease apart, so I am taking this opportunity to articulate the way they both differ and complement each other. I will highlight the work of Jungian dream workers who favor experiential processing, and will also summarize Eugene Gendlin’s ideas about how to work with dreams.


The Jungian approach to dreams

Although my interest in dreams is lifelong, I first formally studied dreamwork at Pacifica Graduate Institute, one of North America’s foremost schools for Jungian and depth psychology. While there are some branches of Jungian thought that can get quite theoretical, this is not the approach taken at Pacifica, where they stress the experiential aspects of depth psychology. There are strong parallels between the many dreamwork methods that I consider both Jungian and focusing-oriented. They key to both is the felt experience of the dreamer.

Carl Jung posited that there is not only a personal unconscious from which dream material arises, but also a collective unconscious common to all mankind and that truly numinous dreams have this kind of power. He called these universal forces archetypes, motifs familiar to us all: child, father, mother, lover, wise man/woman and so on.

Jung developed an extensive theory about the meaning of dreams, and believed dream workers should possess vast knowledge of myths, legends and symbols that could appear in any dream so as to amplify the personal aspect of the dream image into something more collective or archetypal. However, it is a mistake to assume that he was imposing all of this onto dreams from an academic pedestal. In fact, he was very interested in the lived experience of dreams, and developed a technique he called active imagination, suggesting that dreamers re-enter the dreamworld and continue where the dream left off, dreaming it onward in the therapy session and beyond. These experiential techniques are very like Gendlin’s focusing, an experiential method of inquiring into the body.

The beauty of dreamwork is that it can take many forms. One can work with a dream on a personal level and make great leaps forward in consciousness. One can also approach the dream in a sacred way that brings one closer to the universal source of dreaming and feel touched by its numinosity. I think the reason dreams are so fascinating is that they are truly magical, truly other and if one enters the experience of the dreaming, one cannot help but be enlarged by it. In fact, many dream experts believe the main purpose of dreaming is just that: to enlarge our perspective; sometimes they do this gently, and sometimes in a shocking manner. At times, a shock can be just what’s needed to jolt us out of outmoded ways of being.


Approaches to dreams from depth psychologists

Jungian scholars whose interest is depth psychology focus on the experience of dreaming; they talk about less mining of the dream for personal insight, and more about tending the dream. They often use focusing extensively in the way they do dreamwork though they may not use that term. In the course of their work, they have developed a reverence for the dreamtime. They ask not, how can the dream serve me, but, how can I serve the dream? What does it ask of me?

James Hillman (1979) in The Dream and the Underworld took issue with the modern method of mining dreams for personal meaning. He is a thinker, a contrarian and likes to turn widely-accepted ideas on their heads. Hillman said he follows Freud and Jung in some of their ideas: “Freud by insisting that the dream has nothing to do with the waking world but is psyche speaking to itself in its own language: and Jung by insisting that the ego requires adjustment to the night world. I shall not be following them in bringing the dream into the dayworld in any other form than its own, implying that the dream may not be envisaged either as a message to be deciphered for the dayworld (Freud) or as a compensation to it (Jung)” (p. 13).

Hillman goes on to say that the only valid way to approach dreaming is to enter into its underworld realm, subjecting ourselves to the descent, not trying to use it for our own purposes. He does not think we need to add anything, or compensate from what’s not there. “Each dream has its own fulcrum and balance, compensates itself, is complete as it is… We cannot see the soul until we experience it, and we cannot understand the dream until we enter it “ (p. 80).

Hillman eschews the gestalt tradition of having dreamers enter into the experience of various dream figures as though they are parts of one’s own psyche. “This mode of dream interpretation becomes just one more modern way of inflating the ego” (p. 99).

Still, entering into the consciousness of various dream figures remains an accepted means of working a dream. Robert Bosnak (1996) is one modern dream worker who relies heavily on this Gestalt method. He says that,  “While dreaming, there are several different carriers of consciousness.”  We most often experience our dreams from the point of view of our dream ego, but Bosnak believes “one of the purposes of dreamwork is to experience the dream from as many facets as possible.”

He talks about making transits into the experience of other dream figures, to relinquish briefly our habitual point of view and enter into something that is other. In fact, one can enter into not just the people and animals in a dreamscape, but any significant feature. He offers an example of a man who enters into a deep freeze. “This brings about a change of attitude, a different sense of being alive” (p. 54).

Bosnak believes we can work only with living dreams, ones in which we are still able to re-enter the dreaming experience. Fresh dreams can be from years past, but most are recent. They are dreams where we can still sense in a bodily way. Bosnak asks dreamers to go very slowly back into the dream recalling as much detail as possible, paying particular attention to the others in the dream. He suggests you drop down into a liminal state and then enter into the consciousness of the other in your dream through sensing into your body. He calls is making a “transit” (p. 44) into the dream other. This is very similar to the focusing move of entering the felt sense from its point of view.

The attitude is a focusing one of curiosity, acceptance, and a sense that there is autonomy in what we are encountering, something to resonate with, not something we try to bend to our will.  Both focusing and dreamwork take place in the imaginal world, the world of image. There is a sense of autonomy about the image, as in working with the felt sense. We can experience it but we do not control its movements.

Pacifica founder Stephen Aizenstat (2009) does believe in talking to the animals and other figures in dreams, but respectfully and only once one has built a relationship to the dream figure. His favorite approach to a dream is the question, “Who’s visiting now?” This, followed by  a receptive, clear space in which the dream itself can respond, in the present, in a living, embodied way.

Aizenstat suggests a way of working with dreams beyond the Freudian idea of association, or the Jungian idea of amplification, to that of animation. Aizenstat calls his practice dream tending — working with the living image. Although it is not a felt sense, the interaction with the dream figure has many qualities similar to focusing: the act of bringing your open, curious attention to it. Its autonomy. The need to stay with it even when it might appear scary — that with our loving attention to it, from an observing, safe distance, it will transform, as will what it represents in our life.


Eugene Gendlin on Focusing and Dreams

Gendlin (1986) offers a similar perspective in his approach to working with dreams. Although he posits his methods of dreamwork as a long series of potential questions to ask of the dream, the attitude he suggests one should bring to these questions is not one of interrogation. Like Aizenstat, he suggests that one should “love and enjoy the dream whether you interpret it or not” (p. 27).

He sees great value in dreamwork, and even suggests it is as a shortcut to learning how to do focusing. He says the hardest part of learning how to focusing is letting a felt sense come. “With a dream, that is often easy. A dream usually brings you a felt sense. If not, it soon comes if you attend your body while pondering the dream” (p. 3). Gendlin sees dreamwork as having two stages: the breakthrough, where you discover what the dream is about and a second stage, where you get something new from the dream.

He also introduces a technique he calls bias control to help someone working with their own dreams overcome the natural tendency to interpret a dream based on what one already knows. This basically entails entertaining the opposite of what we might be drawn to, entering into the consciousness of a dream figure we dislike, for example. “A new growth direction is often the opposite of what we value most. That doesn’t mean we change our value to the opposite, not at all. We merely expand them a little” (p. 61).


Completing the dream process: Carrying forward

If you go through the experiential process of fully tending a dream, it will require not just a widening of perspective, but some sort of concrete action or ritual to ground and symbolize the change in you. An even better way to look at it might be: what are you going to offer in response to this dream? These lines of dreamwork practice we have been following ask that we ponder how we will serve the dream, rather than how it will serve us.

In Gendlin’s model, this may come in the form of an action step, some small but concrete step we can take in response to the dream. He gives an example where a man’s “dream points to a small action step he might not otherwise have thought of. This may seem a tiny step when compared with the whole regime this dreamer might need… As you will see if you try them, small action steps have a lot of power. They are hard to do. They let you encounter and work through what is in your way. They change you… Only action ultimately resolves more problems. Therefore action steps are needed as an integral part of what dreams mean… and only in actions does your body get to live the new way for more than a few symbolic moments!” (p. 114).


Dreaming from the Source

Dreams and the felt sense in focusing come from the same source, what Whitmont calls the Guiding Self, or Jung’s Self, a “superior, if archaic intelligence, bent on offering meaningful new attitudes,” (Whitmont Perera, p. 17).

Both focusing and dreamwork are difficult to do alone because of this — because they offer a viewpoint different from our customary one. Dreams are perhaps further from the ego’s standpoint because they often originate from deeper in the unconscious. Or, they may originate entirely outside of our realm of consciousness in a realm all their own. Either way, they are a stretch for us to grapple with. They offer growth potential, but also the potential to be disruptive or disturbing. Focusing is more of a middle ground between dreams and ego, and focusing on dreams is yet another intermediate step, bridging the gap between dream and ego, making dreams more accessible and potentially accelerating change.

Dreams are a product of the life force within us, as is the felt sense we contact through focusing. There are no bad dreams. The question is how to come into relationship with them, as you would a felt sense, to gain ‘life-forward’ momentum. And then, how do you embody this shift in the world?



Aizenstat, S. (2009) Dream Tending, New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Inc.

Boa, F. (1988) The Way of the Dream, Boston, Mass., Shambhala Publications.

Bosnak, R. (1996) Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming, New York: Delta Publishing  a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell.

Freud, S. (1909) The Interpretation of Dreams, New York: Modern Library, Random House (1950 edition).

Hillman, J. (1979) The Dream and the Underworld, New York: Harper and Row.

Gendlin, E.T. (1986) Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams, Wilmette, Illinois: Chiron Publications.

Jung, C.J. Collected Works. Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press.

Jung, C.J. (1961) Memories, Dreams, Reflections, New York: Random House.

Whitmont, E. and Perera, S. (1989) Dreams, A Portal to the Source, London: Routledge.


Why Do We Dream? Maybe We Should Ask Our Bodies

Mark Blumberg, a University of Iowa researcher, has a new idea about why we dream – it’s our body mapping itself while we sleep. His research, recently featured in the New Yorker magazine, is a departure from existing theories that suggest in dreaming, we are making sense of our experiences, consolidating memories, processing emotions, possibly imagining things we fear or wish for – no one can yet say for sure.

Blumberg got curious about why newborn babies need 8 hours of dream-rich rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, while most adult humans need about one-quarter of that. He also wondered what babies have to dream about since they have not yet had any experiences to process. He also noticed that all animals, from sleeping dogs to the rat pups in his lab, twitch and jerk when in REM.

Are the dogs’ paws twitching because they are chasing imaginary rabbits in their dreams? Blumberg severed the connection between rat brain and body, and the twitching continued – suggesting these movements are not related to what we dream in our minds. He wondered if the reverse was true: that the movements were sending messages from body to brain.

Blumberg wired electrodes to the areas of the rat’s brain associated with movement, and assigned a different sound to each selected neuron. The amazing result was that each time the rat’s paw twitched, sounds would reverberate from the brain. Based on this, Blumberg articulated a theory that the brain uses REM sleep to map out the body, one muscle at a time.

During REM sleep, neuroscientists have long understood that the body is paralyzed from the neck down, presumably to keep us from acting out our dreams. Blumberg’s research suggests another possibility – that sleep paralysis allows our bodies to move a single, discrete muscle at a time, which enables discrete sensorimotor connections to form.


The body is implicated more deeply in dreaming than we thought

When people ask me how to better recall their dreams, I suggest they lie still upon waking, as this seems to make it easier to remember what they were just dreaming. This may be related to what Blumberg has discovered, a connection from the body that feeds the dreaming brain.

For the New Yorker article, Amanda Gefter interviewed Jennifer Windt, a professor of philosophy of mind and author of Dreaming, a book that explores what dreams can tell us about consciousness. Windt suggests the brain is not the centre of consciousness, mediating all that we experience, because what’s happening in our bodies shapes our dreams – for example through body positions that prompt memories, which are woven into our dreams. She told the New Yorker, “It’s through recognizing the contributions of the body that we can begin to understand why dreams feel the way they do.”



Gefter, A. What Are Dreams For? New Yorker, August 31, 2023.

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Resistant to Your Dream Life? Here’s why you should push through it

Resistance to dreaming comes in many forms, and may be part of the reason we collectively forget so many of our dreams. In a dominant culture that leans toward the rational, empirical side of things, the magical, mysterious and unseen aspects of our existence can be lost or dismissed.

Lost or dismissed. This seems to be the fate of so many of our dreams. Even I, who spend much of my time studying, appreciating, writing and teaching about dreams, feel a resistance to them at times, unable to make time for them, too quick to think I understand them already. These are classic forms of dream resistance – to dismiss them as meaningless or as already understood. Yet when I do make time for my dreams, through art, imagination or discussion with others, the rewards are rich. I experience heartfelt connection with my dream partners and a deeper connection to myself and the larger world.

In my years of teaching clinical dreamwork and guiding dream journeys, it has often felt as though the path I’m travelling is slightly uphill, upwind, upstream; in some form or another, I encounter a fairly steady stream of resistance. One of my students had the courage to name this, and an interesting discussion ensued about the many forms of resistance to our dream lives. We often dream of emotional, provocative, deeply personal and at times difficult things, so it makes sense to have some resistance to turning toward all that, and especially to sharing it.


Interpetation as Disrespect for the Dream

One reason for the resistance to sharing dreams is the common experience that if we tell a dream to someone, they will impose meaning on it that may not be welcome or resonant. There is a tendency, based on popular but outdated notions, that dreams have a definitive meaning, that there are universal symbols, and if you learn these, you can tell someone what their dream means, what it says about them, and what they should do in response.

In fact, modern dreamwork is not like this. The International Association for the Study of Dreams actually states in its own bylaws that imposing a definition on someone else’s dream is not only unwelcome, but not even ethical. Still, the idea of dream interpretation persists widely, and dream dictionaries remain among the most popular ways of deciphering dream images.

What my dream-resistant student lamented, having been a victim of overly interpretive dreamwork herself, is that such dissection and analysis takes away the magic and mystery inherent in dreams. She asked, can we just enjoy them and all their strange, fantastic imagery without having to work at them or come up with a way to explain them? Can we just love the dream for its own sake, as we would a piece of art or breathtaking sunset?


Dream Loss as Resistance to Dreams

Sleep and dream researcher Rubin Naiman speaks of an epidemic of sleep loss, which he suggests is actually dream loss. He says that, collectively, we are resistant to our dreams because dreaming expands our consciousness, and unless you are someone who has psychologically and spiritually prepared for such a thing, this expansiveness can be scary and disorienting. In our collective culture, there tends to be a narrowing of our consciousness. We spend more time focused in little screens, less on being outside under the vast open sky – both literally and figuratively. So when we start dreaming, and we enter into an expanded sense of consciousness, this can feel threatening enough to affect sleep.

I would suggest that not only do dreams reflect a larger consciousness, but that they also reflect our deepest emotional life. This may also be something that we tend to resist in various ways – through overwork and busyness, through use of substances that numb us, and via attention to the many distractions at our fingertips.

However, as my student astutely observed, her resistance wasn’t the only force at work. After all, here she was, in a year-long dream course speaking about her lifelong fascination with dreams, and her strong desire to protect their profound and magical qualities. This resonated with the dreamers present – that we entertain our dreaming lives alongside and despite the resistance to them because the pull toward our dreams is even stronger than the resistance. We can respect our hesitation around dreaming, and at the same time, can feel and appreciate their consciousness-expanding properties, their wider wisdom and their creative genius.

Night Moves: Understanding Dream Enactment and REM Behavior Disorder

By Dr. Leslie Ellis

Our scariest nocturnal experiences may not be the greatest cause for concern. Those who experience sleep paralysis wake up while still in a dream state, unable to move a muscle. This is often accompanied by the sense of a malevolent presence in the room, even right in bed! Believe it or not, the experience of paralysis is a normal part of our sleep cycle, our body’s way of protecting us from enacting our dreams. When our circadian rhythm is off, we can wake up before sleep paralysis has switched off which can be terrifying if you don’t understand it.

But this is not the worst thing.

What can be more ominous and dangerous is when sleep paralysis does NOT happen as it should, and instead, the dreamer enacts their dream scenarios. In rare cases, murders have been committed during such episodes. Comedian Mike Birbiglia suffers from this condition, called REM (rapid eye movement) Behavior Disorder, or RBD. His wild nocturnal experiences are a frequent subject of his highly popular shows, and the basis of an award-winning movie, Sleepwalk With Me.

In one sketch, Mike describes how he dreamt of being the target of a guided missile with coordinates set specifically on him. His dreamtime logic told him to jump out the window so the explosion would detonate outside, away from his platoon. He actually did this, despite the fact that he was on the second floor of a motel, and the window was closed. He landed, cut up, on the grass, got up and kept running… until he slowly realized, with relief at first, that he was in his underwear, bleeding, on a cold January night. He was dreaming, not actually being attacked! He was lucky his injuries were not worse. His doctor diagnosed him with RBD, and he now sleeps in a neck-high sleeping bag with mitts on to prevent him from unzipping it and potentially hurting himself.


About RBD

There are many ways to treat RBD, but one of the most important things to do is ensure the nocturnal safety of both the person who has it, and their bed partner, if they have one. Mike’s sleeping bag is not a bad idea. Sleep medicine experts suggest removing all sharp objects and weapons from the bedroom, padding the floor, lowering the mattress, placing a pillow between you and your bed partner, or even sleeping in separate beds.

Let’s back up a step though. Just what is RBD, what are its causes and what can you do?

RBD is now thought to be the initial symptom of neurodegenerative disease, and it most often affects older men. Up to 90% of those with idiopathic RBD (ie that is not a side effect of medication or other known causes) go on to develop neurodegenerative disease, usually Parkinson’s or dementia with Lewy bodies. Research suggests that RBD is the manifestation of an otherwise covert disease already present in the brain, rather than simply being associated with an increased risk of future development of disease. While treatments exist, there are no known therapies to slow the rate of degeneration – although the disease process itself can be very slow. Exercise has been shown to be neuroprotective, and a recent study shows it may help with RBD. Risk factors such as smoking, alcohol use and depression can be addressed. RBD is also associated with concussions, hyposomnia, arthritis, pesticide explosure, constipation and family history of neurodegeneration. It can be also brought on by use of anti-depressants, and in this case, stopping the medication can stop the RBD.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) suggests four medications that can be used to treat RBD: clonazepam, melatonin, pramipexole, and rivastigmine. Each has a different mechanism of action and each has its pros and cons. Of course, seek the advice of a sleep medicine professional about their use. (Howell’s 2023 AASM articles below also provide more detail.)


Options for Managing RBD

First, be sure to get a proper diagnosis. Sleepwalking and night terrors are also characterized by movement and intense vocalization during sleep. However, these happen during the first half of the night, during deep sleep versus REM, are not recalled by morning, and are more common in children. RBD episodes are dream enactments, most common in older people and can usually be remembered.

While RBD that is not associated with drug use or secondary to a medication condition may not be curable, it can be managed in various ways. Keeping safe is a priority because although those with RBD can go for long periods without an episode, dream enactments are always possible.

One partial solution, aimed at keeping those with RBD safe, is a bed alarm system (ie the Posey Sitter Select). Using pressure pads under the shoulders, and optional tether, the system detects when the user starts to get out of bed, and play a custom voice loop that tells something like: go back bed, you are dreaming. A small study found this device not only prevented injury but reduced overall dream enactments, possibly because it reduced the dreamer’s worries about hurting themselves or their partner.

In my practice, I have worked with the nightmares of those with RBD, reasoning that if one has fewer intense or violent dreams, enactments will be less frequent and dangerous as well. This has been the case with several patients, although like all RBD treatments, it is not a perfect solution, but rather can become part of an overall management strategy. Lifestyle changes, embracing the joys of life, befriending and potentially developing more control of one’s dream life are some positive responses to RBD. Or, like Mike, you can find and express some of the humor inherent in this otherwise potentially serious condition.




Howell, M., Avidan, A. Y., Foldvary-Schaefer, N., Malkani, R. G., During, E. H., Roland, J. P., … & Ramar, K. (2023). Management of REM sleep behavior disorder: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine systematic review, meta-analysis, and GRADE assessment. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine19(4), 769-810.

Howell, M., Avidan, A. Y., Foldvary-Schaefer, N., Malkani, R. G., During, E. H., Roland, J. P., … & Ramar, K. (2023). Management of REM sleep behavior disorder: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine19(4), 759-768.

Helpful adjunctive treatments:

McCarter, S. J., Boeve, B. F., Graff-Radford, N. R., Silber, M. H., & St. Louis, E. K. (2019). Neuroprotection in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder: a role for exercise? Sleep42(6), zsz064.

A device to protect from dream enactment behavior (DEB) and bed injury

Howell, M. J., Arneson, P. A., & Schenck, C. H. (2011). A novel therapy for REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine7(6), 639-644A.

Risk factors:

Xiang, Y., Zhou, X., Huang, X., Zhou, X., Zeng, Q., Zhou, Z., … & Guo, J. (2023). The risk factors for probable REM sleep behavior disorder: A case-control study. Sleep Medicine110, 99-105.

Dreamweaving: Introducing a Method for Collective Dream Experiencing

Dream groups are a beautiful way to deepen into a dream, gathering a wider range of impressions and perspectives than we receive when we dive into our dream material alone or with a partner. I have led dream groups in many forms for decades, and love how the universality of dream images ultimately hold meaning and depth for all. Still, there is typically just one or two dreamers whose material is explored in any given session. I have been wanting to develop an experience that is more collective, where every member feels like an equal participant. With the help of my long-term Dream Circle of graduates from my embodied experiential dreamwork program, I recently created just such a method: Dreamweaving. The following is a brief account of the method, a process to invoke dream images to share, experience and weave into a tapestry.

Dreamweaving in Brief

Briefly, the method begins with an invocation, an internal experiential process for each group member to invite a short dream or fragment that seems to want attention. For example, if a group member has a big dream they want to share, the process invites them to find the particular image from the dream that intrigues them most. Once we have all been visited by a dream image, each member shares it, and we have a brief clarification process in which group members can ask the dreamer to say a little more about their image. This is not interpretation, but a deepening of the collective experience of the image, and an invitation to follow our curiosity.

Once all the dream pieces are offered and briefly explored, the group is invited to take a step back and take the entire dream collage in. Then, one by one, each dream member in turn can offer a prompt that invites an experiential exploration of any aspect of the collective dream that feels the most generative and intriguing to them. All members are invited to participate in the experiencing process, which could be a re-entry into a dreamscape, character or element, a dreaming forward from any image or dreamscape, or a conversation with a dream element. Then participants are invited to briefly offer a sense of what they experienced. Over the course of the session, the dream images come alive, and interweave until it really does begin to feel like a single, collective dream experience.

Here are the steps in brief:

  • Invocation
  • Dream sharing and deepening
  • A round of experiential prompts, with a brief sharing of experiences after each prompt


The Invocation

I always start my dreamwork sessions with an experiential inward journey to invite group members to find, embody and explore a dream or daydream image that is alive for them in the moment. The following is the transcript of the first Dreamweaving invocation, slightly edited (ellipses… indicate a long pause):

We’ll start with our usual way by just getting comfortable in your body, in your chair. Settle in, feel the ground underneath you, and do what you normally do with your body to prepare to go inward… Start by clearing some space, setting aside any distractions and opening yourself to the world of dreaming. As you’re clearing space, broaden your perception a little bit. Rather than being just with your own inner landscape, see if you can broaden it and feel into the group. We’re trying to expand our awareness and pick up what we can of the group dreaming…

When you feel settled, clear and connected, I’m going to ask you to invite an image or a dream snippet. You’re welcome to have an image arrive spontaneously right now. Or you can bring in an image from a dream that wants to visit. It could be a fresh one, a dream you’ve had recently or one from the past. Just invite what wants to come forward right in this moment. And welcome whatever arrives… You’re going to spend a bit of time with what came. First, start to notice the setting or the dreamscape that this image is situated in. Go ahead and flesh out the environment… Notice the temperature, the weather, what’s on the ground, what’s in the sky… Now begin to situate yourself in the dreamscape at whatever distance or wherever in this dream feels like the right place to be… And when you feel yourself there in the dreamscape, let this image play forward a little by finely observing the image that you’re with or letting it carry forward if it’s in motion or has a story that’s unfolding. Again, just see what the image wants…

Notice as you do this, as you’re following this image, what it brings up in your body. Feel into what kind of a felt sense arises as you interact with this dream image. Don’t do anything except notice what the felt sense is like, be friendly and curious with it… and before we turn away from this, just take a minute with your dream image and ask in a very open ended, invitational way if there’s anything this particular image wants to share, or wants you to share with this group. Just if it comes easily, don’t force it…

So we’re going to start to take our leave. Although we can keep the image with us if it feels good to do that, but start to come back to the dreamscape… and then back into your body sitting in the chair. Feel yourself back in the room. And when you’re ready, you can bring your attention to the screen… but take whatever time you need to exit. Don’t rush this. If you want, I’ll just give you a couple of minutes to jot anything down you want to record. We’re going to hear a lot of dream images. And so if you want to solidify what just came, feel free to write it down…


Tapestry of Dream Images

Some of the images that were offered by the group included a woman wearing a green sweater and holding the group safely; a sad little boy in blue pajamas; a forest bath; a beautiful and well-worn leather saddle; a violin on a table and a door to a stage; and dolphins shape-shifting into moose. I asked the group members to feel into the dream images and invited us all to experience where our curiosity would lead. By way of example, I started us off as follows:

What I noticed was that there are a lot of images of support, and invitations to go somewhere, move somewhere, do something. So I’m tempted to gather up the supportive image, like the support at the back of my neck in the forest bath, sitting on the horse in the saddle, and inviting the woman who is a safe guide for all of us… just kind of feeling into those supportive images and then going forward. Interestingly, of all the invitations, the place that calls to me is the open door to the stage with the violin. There’s an orchestra waiting… so I’m just going to give us all a few minutes to share this experience of gathering up the supportive images and then going forward onto the orchestra stage with the violin… we’ll have a few people offer what they experienced, but starting with the person who offered the prompt (me in this case).

Being in a saddle is a comfort zone for me. And I felt into the woman in the forest bath with the support at the back of my neck. Then I picked up this beautiful violin which was alive. I don’t play the violin but I just knew how to play it. As I went into the room with the orchestra, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I wasn’t playing the violin, it was playing through me, a beautiful solo. And then when I stopped and said something to the group, it was like everybody knew that now we’re going to play together. The orchestra starts and it just flows. It was a really beautiful experience.

This chiming in of the orchestra feels like an apt metaphor for the way the dream group members joined in the process of weaving these images and carrying them forward. The invocation brought a beautiful mix of dream images. Then the experiential prompts deepened our collective sense of these images, and the whole experience seemed to be carried along by our collective imagination. Here are a couple of comments from group members:

“I loved how this process gave us more permission to take each other’s dreams and try them on.  If I view it entirely from a personal perspective, I had the feeling that each person’s dream offered me a reflection of a different aspect of myself.  Although these aspects may be conscious (and of course some may be unconscious) I may not normally spend as much time experiencing them as this process allowed me to do.”

“As somebody who has a really rich and detailed imaginal world, both in waking and dreaming life, it feels beautifully intimate to weave our dream images together, to be impacted by other people’s imaginal content, and to hear the ways that the imagery I share is impacting others. I know we do an element of that in all dream groups, but it feels like there’s something different that happened today… it feels like more of a weaving of a shared tapestry.


Dreamweaving is one of the methods I will be teaching in the class I am offering early in 2024 on Leading Dream Groups. As I fine this method, there will be more offerings, so stay tuned!

How Are You Dreaming? A Very Simple Question to Screen for Suicide Risk

Your dreams are an excellent barometer of your emotional life. And for those at risk for suicide, they can be a warning sign that is too often ignored. I have been calling for more clinicians to ask about dreams when their clients are dangerously depressed, and am pleased to see that others are joining the chorus.

Geoffroy (2023) wrote a letter to the journal, Bipolar Disorders suggesting that clinicians ask one simple question of their clients at risk for suicide: How are you dreaming? He states that dreams and their recent changes represent “a meaningful warning signal of the suicidal crisis.” This simple inquiry could help detect one of the foremost causes of death worldwide, particularly lethal in youth populations.

There is a clear and growing body of evidence to show that nightmares represent an independent risk factor for suicide, even when depression, post-traumatic stress and other risk factors are adjusted for. I have written a comprehensive review article of this evidence, now in press (Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 2024). Here is the abstract:

A robust link has been established between frequent nightmares and increased risk of suicide, both in adult and adolescent populations. Yet nightmares remain vastly undertreated for a confluence of reasons: patients rarely talk about their nightmares, clinicians rarely ask about them, and too few clinicians are trained to treat disturbing dreams. Current clinical research shows that nightmares are not only associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but also are more prevalent in most psychiatric disorders. There are myriad reasons for clinicians to inquire about and treat nightmares: Patterns of disturbed dreaming, and content of nightmares can provide warning signs of suicide; dream content can aid in diagnosis, treatment, and assessment of response to treatment; and there are established, evidence-based treatments for nightmares that appear to reduce nightmare frequency and distress, as well as other symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Mechanisms of action remain unclear, and the range of treatment options could be expanded, so further research is needed. In the meantime, viable nightmare screening and treatment options currently exist that have the potential to mitigate suicide risk.

Some compelling evidence cited by Geoffroy in his letter includes a review by Akkaoui and colleagues (2020) which concluded that chronic nightmares affect up to 70% of patients with personality, mood or post-traumatic stress disorders. The researchers concluded: “Nightmares are overrepresented in mood and psychotic disorders… These findings emphasize major clinical and therapeutic implications.”


Changes in Nightmare Content Can Predict Suicide
Another recent study underscores the importance of tracking the dream content of those in crisis. Geoffroy (2022) offers some clarity about specific ways that nightmares escalate prior to a suicide attempt. The study of 40 patients hospitalized for suicidal crisis found that 80% had experienced changes in their dream lives prior to their crisis. Two-thirds experienced bad dreams, half had nightmares and 22% had dreams about suicide. The researchers also noted a progression in the way dreams changed, with bad dreams appearing 4 months’ prior, nightmares 3 months’ prior and suicidal scenarios 1.5 months’ prior to the suicidal crisis. They concluded: “Dream alterations and their progression can be readily assessed and may help to better identify prodromal signs of suicidal behaviors.”

Nightmares and suicide are clearly linked, and much more can be done to research, inquire into and treat nightmares as a way of reducing suicide risk. In my clinical experience treating trauma and nightmares over two decades, I see great benefit in treating these dreams. The content itself can point to areas of trauma that need to be metabolized and integrated, and when this is achieved, the nightmares tend to change or sometimes cease altogether. Also, when patients are taught simple ways to rescript their nightmares, this can provide a constructive alternative to rumination leading to suicidal thoughts. These dreamers say they feel empowered when they know they can do something about their nightmares, which increases hope and agency, and improves sleep quality. All of these factors can reduce suicide risk.

Don’t miss our 1-hour seminar on critical information for therapists about nightmares and suicide, including current research and how to help. We are currently offering a 30% discount! Click here to avail the promo!

For those interested in learning more about nightmare treatment and the nightmare-suicide link, I have a range of online courses available covering these topics in detail at


Akkaoui, M., Lejoyeux, M., d’Ortho, M. & Geoffroy, P. (2020). Nightmares in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Psychotic Disorders: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(12), 3990.

Ellis, L. A. (2024, in press). The Alarming Nightmare-Suicide Link: Evidence, Theories and Implications for Treatment. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 31(2).

Geoffroy, P. A. (2023). How Are You Dreaming? A Very Simple Question to Screen for Suicide Risk. Bipolar Disorders, (25)4, 341.

Geoffroy, P., Borand, R., Ambar Akkaoui, M., Yung, S., Atoui, Y., Fontenoy, E., Maruani, J., & Lejoyeux, M. (2022). Bad dreams and nightmares preceding suicidal behaviors. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 84(1), 22m14448.