Dreaming after an emotional experience might help us feel better in the morning Although dreaming has been implicated in the consolidation of memories, it …

Adding to the robust literature linking nightmares to suicide risk, a new study offers an important distinction for clinicians: of the 3 nightmare types …

Feel into the dream images to arrive at your own answers Yes, you read that correctly. So many people come to me with a …

The reviews are in! Those who just completed the year-long Embodied Experiential Dreamwork program last year said their confidence in tending dreams is now …

A first encounter with sleep paralysis (SP) is usually terrifying. But for those who experience it often and learn to stay calm, it can …

What’s the single most important factor in a successful dream group? Safety. This may be why the method of Dream Appreciation by Montague Ullman …

This article brings together my two favorite approaches in psychotherapy and personal growth: that of dreamwork and focusing. In my work, they are intertwined …

Mark Blumberg, a University of Iowa researcher, has a new idea about why we dream – it’s our body mapping itself while we sleep. …

Resistance to dreaming comes in many forms, and may be part of the reason we collectively forget so many of our dreams. In a …

By Dr. Leslie Ellis Our scariest nocturnal experiences may not be the greatest cause for concern. Those who experience sleep paralysis wake up while …

Dream groups are a beautiful way to deepen into a dream, gathering a wider range of impressions and perspectives than we receive when we …

Your dreams are an excellent barometer of your emotional life. And for those at risk for suicide, they can be a warning sign that …

The essence of working with another person is to be present as a living being. And that is lucky, because if we had to …

Porges’ recent article has two main purposes: first, to set out a clear, complete description of the Polyvagal Theory in accessible language to clear …

In my daydreams, my grandmother and I sit on beach chairs and look out at the ocean. We’re on a deserted beach like something …

The minute you turn your attention inside, are you greeted with a cruel, relentless voice that hits you in the most tender, wounded places? …

Chasing external sources of happiness may have failed you, as ultimately our deepest satisfaction comes from within. But often when people turn their attention …

We spend half of our waking lives daydreaming. This may or may not be a good thing – it depends what your daydreams are …

A podcast review by Dr. Leslie Ellis The main reason people don’t sleep is that they have a bad relationship with dreaming. – Dr. …

Our state of mind and body prior to falling asleep can affect the way we dream, and this can be a target for treatment …

Montague Ullman developed what is likely the most popular and democratic method of working with dreams in groups. Working with dreams in a group …

For Those Who Don’t Dream, Invite Waking Dreams If you are someone who doesn’t recall many dreams, and yet would like to engage with …

Folklore, causes and approaches to treatment and prevention In Newfoundland, they tell stories of her: a terrifying creature said to live in the ocean …

New study shows altered nervous system activity for those with frequent nightmares In a recent paper on nightmares and the autonomic nervous system (ANS), …

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